Monday, January 13, 2014

Types Of Erosion Control Colorado

By Marissa Velazquez

There are city, county and state laws dealing with erosion control Colorado. Most mandate that there be control and containment of erosion and sediment on any construction site over an acre in size or that is located on a slope or hillside. The goal is to contain any contaminants that may arise from the construction process and the equipment used to create the site.

When preparing a site for new construction it is natural to clear away all ground cover and vegetation prior to beginning. Before you can do that you must file concise plans with the involved state and local agencies that detail how you will prevent and control run off of sediment and soil. There are regular inspections made to enforce the plan and non-compliance will bring fines and work stoppage if not immediately corrected.

Erosion occurs from rain, wind and an excess of water on the surface of the soil. It can take the form of gully formation, silt build up, slope slippage and an exposure of non-productive soil to the elements. The best way to prevent these things from happening is to replant the area under construction as quickly as possible.

Road construction commonly uses straw blankets to stop or slow the erosive tendencies that come with ongoing traffic. Oils and other contaminants collect on the roadways and are washed to the sides when it rains. The blankets help to contain the contaminants and as they return to nature act as a natural fertilizer. The straw is held in place by a biodegradable webbing to prevent straw from being blown or washed away.

When replanting an area there are two different styles of hydro processing. Hydro mulch contains a gum substance that makes it tacky so it will stick to the bare land and hold it in place. The mulch itself is made from paper, wood and aspen hydro mulch. Hydro seeding is the process of seeds and fertilizer being added to the mulch. With this system you can count on fast germination and deep root systems.

The contractors will often put wild flower seeds from the surrounding area into the mixture being sprayed onto open areas. The flowers have deeper root systems and regenerate themselves every year. This serves to help assure that the prevention measures will not have to be repeated. Many contractors search out the grasses that are indigenous to the area and use them to bind the new ground covers with the old.

Another method of planting vegetation in areas where grading or other construction has taken place is drill seeding. This reseeding process uses a tractor to furrow the soil and a special device to plant the seeds into the soil. This method is less expensive than other types of treatments and creates higher growth ratio because the seeds are below the surface and not foraged by birds and rodents. The seeds are also safe from wind and sun damage that can prevent seed germination.

To reliably maintain the ecosystems that make Colorado so beautiful, it is important that contractors work closely with erosion control Colorado. Prevention of contaminated runoff is a small but very important part of keeping the state pristine. Free running water can carry pollution to every aspect of land and water supply. It is essential that it be contained and filtered before it reaches the public supplies.

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