Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Learn to Take Full Advantage of the Potential of WordPress SEO

By Tammie Larsen

It takes only a few minutes to Install WordPress and start posting on it; but when it comes down to traffic, SEO should be your main focus. Most search engines really do appreciate WordPress sites but you have to get their attention first so that they know you're there.

Title Includes Keyword: The title is considered highly important by the search engines because it is what a user sees in the SERPs when looking for a particular term. This is why the title of your page should include your keyword, but it should be done with finesse. Including the keyword in your title, though, doesn't mean that you have free reign to overdo it. But it's rather about getting creative in writing your title and make it meaningful. A title needs to let the readers know exactly what to expect. If a particular keyword creates a disjointed effect in the title, then you are better off not including it at all. You don't want quality to be sacrificed at the expense of getting your keyword in the title.

If you wish to observe how promotions by using this type of marketing can rank then take a look at Viral Traffic Avalanche.

Enable Trackbacks: Enabling trackbacks will allow you to see how many other blogs have linked to your blog. It needs to be activated because it encourages incoming, quality links from other blogs that are relevant. Trackbacks make it easy for people to gain incoming links, and since backlinking is a highly important part of SEO, you need to take action and get as many links as possible.

Slugs are tools that help you determine what the address of your article will be. A consistent keyword presence in all aspects of your page including the meta description, title, and article content lets the search engines have a better feel for your page. WordPress offers a lot of features that make it as easy as possible to optimize your site for search engines but you cannot afford to ignore the importance of the placement of keywords for this important task either.

Effective WordPress SEO is all about taking the right step at the right time. The tips that we discussed in this article will help you create a better ranking for your WordPress site and give you an edge over the competition if you apply them the right way.

I've discovered that tips mentioned in the following paragraphs are beneficial to

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