Saturday, October 8, 2011

Importance Of Social Networking For Businesses

By Takara Alexis

Social networking is growing in magnitude everyday. Social networking is the act of meeting new professionals through already existing links. After meeting these new professionals you then proliferate and meet people they know, your chain will continue to grow and expand as you continue networking. With the advance of technology networking is becoming easier to accomplish using social media and it is something every business should do if they want to continue to grow and flourish.

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are currently the three most helpful social media sites if you're interested in social networking. LinkedIn is focused on business professionals who are looking to build, construct networks within their areas of expertise, for example marketing professionals will be able to discover and connect with other marketing professionals. While on LinkedIn they can talk about current trends or changes in their field with other professionals or even look for jobs in their via the helpful job board on LinkedIn.

Facebook and Twitter are both useful for social networking, but they have a much less professional environment than LinkedIn. Twitter limits you to 140 characters so you don't have much of a chance to really make an impression on the contacts you are trying to increase and Facebook can sometimes lead to other professionals seeing pictures of you that you'd prefer they wouldn't see. Always be careful of the image your profile is projecting.

It is important to remember that while social networking using social media your first impression is just as important as it would be in real-life. If you want to be taken seriously you need to make a sound first impression that impresses the right people. You will receive as much out of digital social networking as you put into it. If you approach these social media sites with the right mindset and dedicate a certain amount of time to building a network you will see results. Just make sure you are portraying the right personality for your business or area of interest.

Social networking is becoming easier every day as social media continues to develop. If you become active on the three major social media networking sites of LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter you will notice your network and influence increaseas you get involved and express yourself.

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