Saturday, June 1, 2013

By Abe Smith

If you really want to make a go of running a store online, there are some business basics that you still need to learn. You aren't going to just make more money by reaching more customers. Keep reading and we'll help you make a good profit with some valuable advice.

Your customers' confidence in you is one of your most important commodities. You have to stay committed to providing quality apparel and services. If you've promised something to your customers, you must not go back on your word. You need their trust and positive reviews to be successful.

If you are selling a media related apparel product which you've created like a book or CD, have a look at Lulu. Lulu provides a lot of ways to get your work published. Once you've published, Lulu will also help you list your clothing at stores like Amazon.

Know the basics of html, SEO (search engine optimization), social media marketing, website marketing and traditional marketing and sales. Specialize in a tight niche. Know your audience and stick to it. Be wary of any "system" that promises instant results.

An interesting title is likely to attract more business to your clothing. It is going to be the first thing that they see when looking over a listing, so make sure it is compelling to make buyers want it. Include personal information as to the function of the item if need be.

When designing your website, make sure that it is user friendly, simple to navigate, and has a professional look. Customers appreciate a professional looking site that they can easily navigate. Consistency will also be key as clients will expect the pages to flow. This will give your clients the convenience they need.

Unfortunately the internet is full of fraudulent users. It is estimated that 10 to 15% of people that click on Ads or make apparel product inquiries are not really interested in buying. Make sure you are always aware of this. You should also inform your customers of this as well and let them know that if they are a victim of fraudulent users you will not accept liability.

If you can't really afford a lot of advertising there's a simple trick you can use. Start creating videos related to your apparel. They don't even have to be useful. Just make sure that you optimize your title and description to get good search rankings. People will find your video and eventually click on to your site.

To stay informed in your market you should read bout, look into and participate in what your competitors are doing. Do not shy away from this. It can be very helpful to you business. It can only help you to see how they advertise their apparel and what about their ventures are working so well.

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