Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Stem-Kine Can Restore Natural Repair And Vitality

By Estela Bolton

Stem-Kine is a new product that maintains a stimulating environment that fosters the production of stem cells. These are primitive cells in the body that have not yet undergone terminal differentiation to their ultimate functional state. These cells retain the ability to divide by the process of mitosis and develop into mature cells to replace dying or damaged tissue.

Stem cells are also called progenitor cells because they form the starting material for a range of different mature cells. This ability to develop into different cell types has a name. It is pluripotency. The term originated in the early twentieth century and comes from the Latin word for "plural, " meaning more than one, and the English word, "potent, " as in potential.

There are two main kinds of progenitor cell in the human body. Adult cells come from the bone marrow and are harvested to replace exhausted or injured tissue. The other type is the progenitor cell that originates from the blastocyst in early embryonic development.

Increasing the numbers of circulating progenitor cells with Stem-Kine has many benefits. These include rapid recovery from surgery or sports injuries, a healthier complexion, increased energy levels, enhanced hair and nail growth, a general sense of well-being and others. This improves overall health and holds back the aging process.

When these cells come from the same individual in which they are used, they are called autologous stem cells. They are drawn from adipose tissue (fat), blood or bone marrow and may be banked and used later if they are needed to replace cells in surgical procedures or in case of injury. Another source of progenitor cells is the umbilical cord following birth. These, too, may be frozen and stored for use in the future. One possible use for this material is in the case of certain cancers, when they may be used in a bone marrow transplant.

There are two separate processes of division that guarantee a steady pool of progenitor cells. Both of these have complicated-sounding names but are really not that complicated. The first one is called obligatory asymmetric replication. Here, a single cell gives rise to two distinct daughter cells. One of these, the mother cell, is identical to the original cell. The other daughter cell goes on to become terminally differentiated and stops dividing. The differentiation pathway is determined by various cell chemicals called growth factors. Terminal differentiation means that the cell is no longer capable of going through mitosis to produce new cells.

The second process by which progenitor cells divide is called stochastic differentiation. It may sound scary, but all it means is that one cell may produce two differentiated cells that lose their ability to divide. The remaining daughter cell undergoes further division to produce two identical, undifferentiated, daughter cells.

Stem-Kine is at the very frontier of cutting-edge science. It contains a number of nutrients that help stimulate the body's natural repair processes. This is a great idea for the growing numbers of Baby Boomers who are entering retirement. By increasing the numbers of circulating progenitor cells, the process of aging may be inhibited and individuals enjoying an extended period of health and wellness well into their senior years.

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