Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Correlation Between Toyota & a Collection Agency Virginia

By Rob Sutter

For a second, purge the thoughts of the many Toyota recalls from your mind. Forget that 150,000 trucks have been taken off of the market recently due to issues involving spare tires falling. Toyota is a company that goes far deeper than simply marketing cars to people. You have to take the issue of debts into account. A collection agency Virginia may be a good investment for a business but consumers may not feel like this is the case.

It seems like there is a collection agency Virginia within Toyota that has gone against West Virginia code in this line of work. Before getting deep into the story, I have to say that not every company is out to get a debtor. On the contrary, a good number of them like R.R.S. want to help people clear a debt and they will act in an unbiased way so that neither the client nor the debtor feels as though they are being cheated. These are the companies one should endorse.

Published on the West Virginia Record website, the Toyota Motor Credit Corporation went after a woman named Anne M. Peyton in regards to a debt. Toyota had contacted her about said debt but did so in a way that was not moral. Peyton had constantly stated that she was being represented by counsel, making it unlawful to approach her directly. The company did not honor this law and Peyton said that this very negligence went against West Virginia code.

The debt in question amounted to $5,001.34. While this is a great debt, the fact that the company did not respect the words of Peyton is quite telling. The company had attempted to contact her directly a subsequent three times in response to Peyton's words. According to the West Virginia Record, Peyton is seeking compensatory and punitive damage. One has to wonder just where the line has to be drawn in regards to debt collecting after reading this story.

I am of the opinion that the groups most affected would be so much the debtors as it would be the companies working in this particular industry. These companies stand a stance of being employed but it's diminished when one sees just how many negative stories float around on the Internet. As a result, people from the outside looking in don't have the best opinion of companies such as these. These collectors are made to look terrible when those who understand the line of work know that this is not the case.

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