Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Top Secrets About Giving

By Masami Sato

The secret of attaining what one wants has been revealed. It is just the simple act of giving. The basis of this is explained in the background of the classical dictum "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" Chicken and the egg, continuously forming the cycle of life and renewing it, is a profound example of giving and getting what one wants: the circle of joy. This idea is fully analyzed in the resonant voice of Masami Sato, the author of the book ONE.

As humans, most of us naturally have endless desires for all kinds of things. And of course, the traditional principals of economics tell us that while wants are unlimited, resources are limited. This induces us to think, the more and more resources we have, the more and more desires we will be able to fulfill. We become very protective of our resources. We then think sharing or giving these resources will reduce the portion that can be used to get what we want. This is the traditional win-lose game that is being played.

Could it be true, then?

And if the answer is "no" what then? What if it actually goes against the secret of getting more? What if the secret to earn more is simple - just by managing to give more?

One can get something just by giving something else. Exactly the way one can have eggs by raising chickens. As simple as that. Normal. Automatic. And it is a completely joyful experience.

First, let us start with a small comparison to explain things.

Chicken and Egg: the Cosmic Circle of Life

Many a philosopher has come out with this question from the beginning of time, "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?"

The answer to this endless discussion is simple: It actually doesn't matter because both chickens and eggs are here now. But if we want to have more great outcomes, we can choose to start somewhere.

Giving and Receiving: the Circle of Joy

What if we asked the question in a different manner? "Which comes first, giving or receiving?"

Again, for better results, we have to begin somewhere. Giving away things to others is definitely far simpler than attempting to get it first!

What happens when we try to get it first?

If we hope to have something, surely we would try to acquire it. And once we get it, we would cling on to it. This is surely natural - it makes sense rationally.

But the actual upshot of 'striving to get' is often not profusion and actual long-term recompense.

For example, wanting to see others being happy is not about getting the joy from them or controlling them to become happy. It is about how much joy we can give them and share with them. Period.

So how do we start to get what we desire?

By starting from the other end of the circle- by giving generously!

When we give first before we actually fully have what we really want - what we dream of - we send a very powerful message to ourselves that says, "there is enough, and more will come". It allows us to experience the joy today - the joy of giving.

All that is required of us is to give out the love in abundance to others. It would somehow come back to us. Giving love is the only way to be completely loved. When we recognize others for the big things they do and great credentials they have, again it would come back to us. Others accept us because we accept them.

In much the same manner, if we want to have enough of everything in our lives physically, financially, and emotionally, we must share these things in ample measure with others.

Some people may choose to give materially by giving their time. Others would choose to give financially by giving their wealth. Those who give much more (like time, wealth, kindness, affection, principles etc.) have more of all these because it is the balance. And balance is the law of nature.

Just keep in mind the rule of the game

Important rule: never give anything expecting a return.

When we have the conviction that giving has got as its inherent part, 'getting' something back, we become upset when do not see the return immediately. We may even feel a slight dissatisfaction towards the receiver of our gift. And surely, nurturing a bad feeling for someone is not a proper thing to do! So we can experience the real happiness of giving when we are doing something with the knowledge that we are doing it only for ourselves - we are doing it for our own happiness!

Losing to win, giving to receive

In the beginning it may look as if we are losing. However, at some stage we recognize that taking things without giving is not an acceptable life pattern. And we have been aware of it all throughout. That is why tithing has been a normal part of the lives of many people who were leaders. And they did not do it with any fanfare so it was not done to gain popularity. It was done because it was a way of life.

Take a look around. 'Simpler' living things do it naturally. The bumblebees pollinate the flowers as they receive the honey so more flowers bloom in abundance. Naturally. That's the game. They do not do it for conscience or justice. That is why they create such sustainability without even trying.

Giving is just being who we are, it is just like having; not greater or lesser. No difficulty, no conditions attached, just releasing oneself.

The essence of getting more can be stated in two steps: Give first, and do not expect to get anything in return.

When we let go and give generously, what we want will be delivered to us. Naturally.

About the Author:

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