Saturday, November 7, 2009

Go Green With Website Hosting

By Loren Allen

The term ""go green"" has become such a common part of the American lexicon that it seems to confront us everywhere in our daily existence. Whether it be food, recyclable products, energy, or technology, "go green" has become a national movement towards healthy and safe living for present and future inhabitants of planet Earth. Perhaps once considered an alternative trend, it has now been woven into the very fabric of human existence. Those who choose to ignore its importance do so at the peril of their own and forthcoming generations.

If you look at it from a green activist's point of view, the idea of using the World Wide Web is already a going green move to cut down on the carbon foot print. This is because websites use less paper and disposal resources such as fossil fuels for their businesses to run effectively. There are a few websites online however that is higher rated in terms of being green.

Online4Earth - High rated green website

Online4Earth is a Montana based website hosting provider devoted to subsidizing clean energy focused initiatives within the state through the partial proceeds of their revenue. Therefore, clients seeking to establish a domain name, host a website or obtain email and safe SSL certificates will simultaneously be contributing to efforts of reducing carbon outputs as part of the "go green" movement. The overarching objective of Online4Earth is to become a principal financial resource partner in the global mission.

Online4Earth happens to be an active member of the 'go green' movement. Right now, they support several 'go green' initiatives, including a project of subsidized solar paneling, which aims to send green energy over to families with lower income in Montana. This is a development of an environmentally friendly website of e-commerce. Plus, there an educational website is being created, which concentrates on making environmental changes without having to sacrifice personal gratification. If this doesn't impress you, you should also know that this company has offset its overall carbon footprint through donations to Kenyan reforestation programs by working with firms of carbon management.

"Carbon footprint" is a counterpart to "go green" among an array of terms that have permeated mainstream popular culture. It refers to how an individual's activities will impact global climate change through their influence on the overall environment. In particular, the amount of greenhouse gases produced daily as a result of burning fossil fuel for heating, electricity and transportation is the measure by which a carbon footprint is determined. Online4Earth has already significantly reduced theirs, and was assessed and approved by CarbonFootPrint as a model of excellence.

The director of Online4Earth wants to spread the word of going green by creating more awareness amongst its suppliers and customers. The idea is to get them to choose such options that are green friendly and as a result can help the environments. The idea is to reduce the use of excess energy that really isn't needed by using sustainable more green energy without having to compromise on quality or service.

Whether buckling under a demanding public's pressure or opting to go green simply for the environment itself, a lot of worldwide corporations operate primary datacenters to make stride in turning their companies eco-friendlier in every way possible.

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