Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Hilarity Behind Nicolas Cage And His Inability To Build Personal Savings

By John Romeo

When referring to most people, the title would be offensive towards them. For American actor, Nicolas Cage, it is a comedic comment towards his propensity to buy outlandish items for himself with the millions he's raked in over the years. His purchases would remind you of what a little kid would say he would be buy if he got rich when he grew up. Let's look at some of these purchases of his.

These are not facts you are going to simply find on Cage's IMDB page. Rumor has it that Nicolas Cage has spent his movie money on such extravagant things as a knife made of the tusk of a wooly mammoth and actual shrunken heads. These purchases are not the ones that cause for serious monetary concern; it's the other splurging that puts Mr. Cage over the top.

You know how when you're a kid, you make around $400 dollars every couple of weeks, yet you still manage to find a way to live paycheck to paycheck? Now imagine doing that with millions upon millions of dollars and still ending up in debt somehow. This is what happened after Nicolas Cage made purchases like yachts (yes, that's plural), a castle, dozens of cars, mansions, and two islands in the Bahamas. To quote Chris Farley, "Holy Schnikes".

All joking aside, this guy needs some serious help. Maybe he should talk to the guys at Golden Retirement and learn to better manage his finances. If you have seen his most recent movies, you'll probably agree with me that his acting career should be over sooner rather than later. Nic, if you're reading this, please listen to the advice I give: Learn to better manage your money. Don't change who you are, your off the screen life is what makes you a living legend; but seriously, shrunken heads? Those aren't even useful!

This American acting legend needs to cool his jets. While his mishaps in the managing of his money are hilarious, almost mythical stories for fans like myself, it's time for this man to get his head straight. Not too straight though, one can only hope!

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