Sunday, August 23, 2009

Are You Any Fun As A Home Business Owner?

By Peter Werth

The daily responsibilities of running your home business take their toll and leave you feeling tired and cheated of sharing in the fun. Quiet the opposite for your reason starting a home based business to create freedom and fun in your life. The good news is it doesn't have to be this way... Fun is mandatory to your success, so let's get you back in the groove.

When things aren't going just as they seem they should, a series of events usually transpire to shine a bright light on the situation at hand.

The problem requiring attention is revealed one way or another, whether you want it to be or not... a solution will always arise.

I don't know how many times I've conducted a session with a client only to realize that I am in as much need of directing my attention to the very same issue they're working on. If you are educating people, this is often more so than if you are just running a business.

have you ever had this happen to you? A few months back I allowed myself to become consumed by business activities while family, fitness, fitness, and fun took a back seat.

Sometimes you need to burn a little extra fuel to get the rocket off the ground, but there comes a time when you have to let up on the power boosters and let the momentum you've created propel the ship.

Another point is that your body and mind simply cannot maintain that pace, and will "power down" after a while. So take a step back and celebrate each step to your long term goals.

Fortunately, a series of events have required that I pay attention to the imbalance I created. First, I was asked to write an article on how to build fun and balance into a home-based business while remaining productive.

Second, I paid an impromptu visit to the library and picked up Jay Conrad Levinson's, The Way of The Guerilla, an excellent expose on the motivations of today's entrepreneur and the critical importance of balance, family, health and relationships.

I had no idea what this book was about until I started reading it, however, it was exactly what I needed at the time.

Third, I had a coaching session with a client in which we focused our attention on an extensive project that will involve a large group of people and require specific structures, processes, responsibilities and a compelling vision that will be embraced by every member of the team.

The action steps of a project are relatively easy to manage. Giving yourself priority over a project can sometimes be hard, because as one project finishes, another one starts.

Looking after "self" is much more important than looking after "project"... this applies to you too, and this will guarantee that you will have much more fun with your home business.

As you go through your day and work your plan, keep in mind these words I shared with my client ...

"Your body and your mind are the vehicles that will allow you to carry out your dream. Give them top priority because without them, everything else is dust."

I actually posted these words on my computer screen as a daily reminder to myself. If this is what you need to do to serve as a daily reminder of the importance of taking care of yourself first, I encourage you to do the same.

About the Author:

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