Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Benefits Of A Bachelor's Degree

By Franklin Skribbit

For the indecisive person, choosing a college major could be the bane of their existence. The pressure of choosing a life path by committing to a single, focused line of study for the next four-odd years of their life can be maddening. It can be difficult to choose one major from a list of two-hundred with just a few lines of description to go off of. There are a few things to consider when making this decision that should help ease the pain of grown-up decision making.

You Are More Employable

When a company announces an opening for a new job, they generally like to hire the person who is the most valuable to the company. Of course, you can help influence this by your past experience, your attitude, your personality, and a number of other factors. However, the truth is that those who have graduated college with a bachelor's degree are seen as being more relevant and useful to a corporation than those who just have a high school diploma. So not only can it be more frustrating to get a job without one, but it can make the job hunt extremely difficult during times of recession when employment is scarce.

You Are Better Paid

Now, if you are still stuck on handful of majors that all have potential interest, rank them in order of what is most appealing to you now. It might be tough, but pay attention to the tugs of interest and sparks of excitement that you feel when you consider each major. The way you feel about your major is largely going to determine how you feel about your life for the next four or so years. You will want to make sure that your major something that will really lift your spirits.

Do you know these things? What is it exactly that you want to accomplish here? Perhaps you want to build awareness of your brand. Are you implementing strategies to get more likes. Are you running a brand awareness campaign and asking people to talk about you? If you are, you need to be tracking those items.

Track down a student or two in the major and ask them what they like and don't like about the major. Professors are often willing to share syllabuses of their classes so you can gain a detailed insight into the classes you will be taking.

If you want a competitive edge when it comes to getting a job, then consider enrolling in a college in Logan to begin your journey towards getting a bachelor's degree.

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