Monday, September 9, 2013

Launch Dates For Consoles & The Idea Of Debt Collection Services

By Robert Sutter

If there's one thing that those who have been gaming for years can attest to, it's that purchasing consoles at launch possesses a number of risks. There's a lot of focus brought on these launch dates but I do not know if they mean nearly as much as companies would like them to. That being said, how can debt collection services play into this seemingly age old concept? Well, you have to think about whether or not these consoles will ultimately prove themselves as the potential powerhouses they could be.

When you buy a console at launch, you're going to want to have a great library of software to accompany it, right? While there are many games that may be set on that particular date, it may not be nearly as substantial as what may be desired. Keep in mind that developers who may want to bring titles on that particular date probably didn't have enough time to know the system and all of its intricacies. In order for big experiences to come about, droughts in software are sadly required.

Along with launch dates of games comes the idea that they may be set back for one reason or another. From my experience, this has come about for a number of reasons. While some companies may be more driven to put together the best possible product before bringing it to the masses, there are developers who may not fully understand hardware the first time out. After all, they may see various architectures as alien. As a result, projections may not be the most accurate in the long run.

One console launch after another across the board is going to be home to a number of issues, whether individuals realize this at the start or not. I think one of the best examples is the PlayStation 3 and its early issues, especially when it came to the roaring success that the PlayStation 2 enjoyed a generation before. However, I'm sure that agencies the likes of Rapid Recovery can agree with the idea that every launch of this nature has issues. One has to wonder, though, if consumers will be driven to incorporate debt collection services as a result.

It's clear that a number of issues can exist in terms of hardware, whether they have to do with overheating or what have you. Problems are always going to be had as far as hardware is concerned, whether we are able to clearly see them or not. Video game consoles seem to have the most of them when they first hit the scene and this is where consumers will want to find repayment. Companies are usually able to do so since they fear losing their consumer base.

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