Monday, April 22, 2013

Your Safety and Personal Checks

By Arman Gish

Keep an eye on your personal check book for higher amounts of money paid for purchases. The dollar's purchasing power will erode quickly in the near future. $250,000 today will only buy you 56% of what it did in 1988. When the dust settles, $250,000 could be the yearly income of burger flippers.

If civil unrest breaks out and the National Guard is called out to quell it, there may be danger large portions of the population going feral. Look how fast things went from bad to worse in New Orleans after Katrina. But lets hope it never comes to that. A rural rural retreat off grid may seem advantageous.

Anyhow, if your personal checks are still honored, there is not much survival type fear to be concerned with. Other than resorting to a barter economy and junk silver dollars and pre-1965 mint dated circulated 90% silver US dimes, quarters and half dollars, most people should do just fine living by their wits and working through difficult times. The safety and security of a sound occupation more than compensates for harsh survivalist training. Even so,Nonetheless, it is wise to take heed of essential survival skills.

No matter if you are staring at survival in remote areas or in the inner city, certain needs must be provided for. Heat, shelter from the elements and food nourishment sources must be found. Safety and first aid sources located. Communication and safe community channels want to be developed.

Some believe it's a good option to have a shotgun at the ready for home defense. The barrel of a shotgun somehow looks hugely larger to the recipient at the end of the barrel than any rifle.

Mortals can prepare for realizable possibilities, or at least have an exit plan just in case. You may want maps and an escape route as well as a destination. Not only for man-made financial collapse, but possible nuclear attack, super-volcanic eruptions, global earthquakes and tidal waves and even asteroid or meteoric collisions.

Some say a financial education is just an ornament in prosperity, nevertheless, in adversity it is a refuge of opportunity. Even though government borrows beyond its means, don't be complacent about the future. The opportunities in an evolving economic crisis can be many fold. Opportunities exist in every environment.

One basic money saver is healthy sprouts that can be grown easily in the kitchen. Popular are mung beans, lentils and various beans, alfalfa, clover, mesclun seeds, any variety of peas. You produce a mouthwatering green in a few days from a sprout tray. Many find it enjoyable and a good place to start becoming venturesome.

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