Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How To Profit With Etcetera

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Etcetera reps: Are you looking to become a top 2% producer? Read on.

If you wish to become a top earner, you need a promotion strategy to implement because you'll run out of friends and family to approach.

You have to learn how to market- like a REAL business!

Here are 3 ways top earners dominate today:

- Ramp Up Your Commitment

Not committing enough is a major problem I see among network marketers in companies such as Etcetera. You're going to need to get a whole lot more committed if you are going to succeed in Etcetera.

In general there are two types of commitment shortfalls:

- Investing too little time into the business

- Putting too little money into their business

Regarding time commitment, most new network marketers want to commit 4-8 hours per week to their business. Lots of people mistakenly believe devoting a few hours weekly will result in a thriving Etcetera business.

That's wishful thinking. Want to earn several thousand dollars a month in your business? You'll probably require 15-30 hours per week. Expect to build your business toward that level of commitment, if you can't commit that much time at first.

Virtually all network marketers try to start a business by investing almost no money. They seriously believe they'll never need to spend money on advertising. These people tend to have little or no money for their own training and education.

This is a delusional set of attitudes. Spending thousands of dollars on training and education over time is typical if you plan to be a top earner. You're building a business, not a hobby. You must escalate your commitment level if you are seriously going to succeed in Etcetera or any other business.

- Market With A Blog

A very effective way to generate traffic and leads is to use a blog. A blog is a website on which you can post articles and videos. Create the content yourself or outsource content creation to a professional writer. Most writers charge anywhere from about seven to twenty dollars per article, depending on the length and quality you require.

A free platform for blogging that's extremely well know is Wordpress. Wordpress does not require any technical skills to use. Blogging has enormous benefits for your Etcetera business:

- Establish Credibility: Use your blog as a platform to teach tactics and strategies other network marketers would find helpful to their business. Teaching enhances your credibility. Many of your blog readers will regard you as a leader. Some will contact you to join your Etcetera business.

- Free Visitors To Your Blog: Using a few easy promotion strategies, your blog will start getting visibility on other websites. Getting free web traffic can be as simple as optimizing your blog to appear in Google search results.. getting a lot of website visitors to your blog is likely to result in your generating a lot of free leads.

- Your Online Lead Source: On your blog offer a free training, such as a downloadable report or boot camp video series. People must provide their name, email and phone in order to get the free bonus. This converts blog visitors into leads.

Be consistent and blog daily. Stay away from posting low quality or boring content. Build a blog to be an automated lead generation tool for your Etcetera business.

- Take Advantage Of Social Media

Social websites are those that facilitate social interaction between content creators and readers. Over one billion people use Facebook, Twitter and Youtube regularly. This creates a big opportunity to generate leads on social media sites.

Surprisingly, the large majority of social media users are adults, not children or teenagers. Having a social media marketing strategy is vital to your Etcetera success. If you don't you will get left behind.

Reps in companies like Etcetera usually use social media the wrong way. These reps spam the social media sites with content about their opportunity. Here are several ways to skillfully use social media to market your Etcetera business:

- Social media is like a party.. If you met someone at a party, would you immediately start telling them how great your network marketing deal is? Of course not. You shouldn't do that on social media sites. NEVER lead with your opportunity on social media.

- Your first priority on social media sites is to connect with people. Create a relationship first.

- Make every piece of content you put on a social media site valuable, instructional and enlightening in some way.

- Under no circumstances is it OK to spam about your opportunity on someone's Facebook wall. Never post Youtube videos that just promote your opportunity but don't teach anything valuable.

- On social media, you must lead with valuable instructional content. Lessons that teach network marketers how to solve their business problems. Instructional videos that teach.

- By being consistent in your social media efforts, you will attract people who request to join your downline.

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